An Innovator's Journey to DevOps   /     Tina Donbeck - An Innovator's Journey


Tina Donbeck’s journey to DevOps began in a unique way, not through technology but through a degree in psychology. Her perception of DevOps is through the lens of change management. Her focus is not on the technical as much as cultural change and the customer perspective. In this Innovator’s Journey profile, Tina talks about her transition from psychology to DevOps, roadblocks to DevOps adoption and the influences shaping her work. About Tina Donbeck Tina has been an IT strategist and innovator for over 14 years in both the private and public sector. Her calling has been turning around failed projects or taking on difficult change initiatives and making them a success. Her recent endeavors have been with automating the development/release pipeline at her agency while promoting the cultural goodness of DevOps and Continuous Delivery methodologies. She credits her ability to rifle through chaos and perform extreme multi-tasking with her time spent as an active duty Marine and her current role as a Mom to two rambunctious boys. Tina stood up and led the Enterprise Transformation Branch for the Navy CIO as well has served in various roles as Analyst/Program/Project Manager within DoD and now as a Director of IT at her agency. She is a Certified CIO,PMP, ScrumMaster, and Product Owner who currently is utilizing a ScrumBan approach in her project efforts.

Tina Donbeck’s journey to DevOps began in a uniqu…
Publishing date
2016-09-23 14:35
  Mark Miller, Senior Storyteller