Sea Level Rise Radio   /     Fuel Produced From Oceans To Power Sea Level Rise Adaptation


An amazing new technology under study by the U.S. Navy could produce boundless energy from salt water.  The science is clear...the oceans continue to absorb carbon dioxide, which is one of the reasons the seas are warming and rising each year.  Now the offending carbon dioxide can be taken directly from ocean water and turned into certain types of hydrocarbons. That means fuel to energize solutions.  How can we harness this new form of fuel, across the globe, to battle some of the adverse effects of rising seas?  Salt water intrusion, pushed by sea level rise into freshwater aquifers, is a problem that may have just found a partial and efficient solution.  The 2014 U.S. National Climate Assessment, released in July, points out, on page 401, "Sea level rise increases pressure on utilities-such as water an energy- by contaminating potential fresh water supplies with saltwater." One proven method of producing drinking water from intruding salt waters is by using desalination plants. While such conversion facilities are getting more efficient, they still take a lot of energy to produce potable water.  Significanlty reducing energy consumption demands of desalinzation plants may now be possible.  Join Sea Level Rise Radio Host Mitch Chester as we explore how, within 10 years or less, desalination plants and municipal pumping stations may be able to use what is currently carbon neutral military technology to convert sea water into clean energy in the fight against some of the threatening effects of encroaching oceans.

An amazing new technology under study by the U.S. Navy could produce boundless energy from salt water.  The science is clear...the oceans continue to absorb ca
Publishing date
2014-07-20 06:00
  Sea Level Rise Radio


An amazing new technology under study by the U.S. Navy could produce boundless energy from salt water.  The science is clear...the oceans continue to absorb carbon dioxide, which is one of the reasons the seas are warming and rising each year.  Now the offending carbon dioxide can be taken directly from ocean water and turned into certain types of hydrocarbons. That means fuel to energize solutions.  How can we harness this new form of fuel, across the globe, to battle some of the adverse effects of rising seas?  Salt water intrusion, pushed by sea level rise into freshwater aquifers, is a problem that may have just found a partial and efficient solution.  The 2014 U.S. National Climate Assessment, released in July, points out, on page 401, "Sea level rise increases pressure on utilities-such as water an energy- by contaminating potential fresh water supplies with saltwater." One proven method of producing drinking water from intruding salt waters is by using desalination plants. While such conversion facilities are getting more efficient, they still take a lot of energy to produce potable water.  Significanlty reducing energy consumption demands of desalinzation plants may now be possible.  Join Sea Level Rise Radio Host Mitch Chester as we explore how, within 10 years or less, desalination plants and municipal pumping stations may be able to use what is currently carbon neutral military technology to convert sea water into clean energy in the fight against some of the threatening effects of encroaching oceans.