The Aftermath series on Change Over Time continues with more from the conversation with my mother. Aftermath is a multi-part look at Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria through the lens of my family. My mother Doña Edna Garcia talks about the relationship of the US and Puerto Rico, plebiscites, and a bit of history on the Puerto Rican flag. You’ll also here about the move for sovereignty, a potential new political position. Gabriel Iglesias bit from Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution
The Aftermath series on Change Over Time continues with more from the conversation with my mother. Aftermath is a multi-part look at Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria through the lens of my family. My mother Doña Edna Garcia talks about the relationship of the US and Puerto Rico, plebiscites, and a bit of history on the Puerto Rican flag. You’ll also here about the move for sovereignty, a potential new political position.
Gabriel Iglesias bit from Gabriel Iglesias Presents Stand-Up Revolution