PrideHouseTO   /     #9 PHTO Café Series - Bodies in Sport


PrideHouse Toronto Café Series titled "Bodies in Sport." The conversation takes a deeper look at how sex and gender are visible and invisible in sport. Explored are the policies and practices of sex-segregation, sex and gender testing/verification and trans athlete inclusion that exist in sport and what meanings these practices reflect and create regarding sex and gender in sport. Guests include: Cassandra Lord - an Assistant Professor in Sexuality Studies, Women and Gender Studies Program, in the Department of Historical Studies at University of Toronto Mississauga (July 2015). Cassandra is interested in black diasporic queer culture, particularly how black queer life is lived, expressed and created. She is currently researching how black diasporic masculine-of-center women and gender non-conforming people in LGBTTQ communities, subvert and create streetwear fashion in Canada and the United States. Dr. Ian Ritchie - an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at Brock University in St. Catharines. Ian teaches courses in sport sociology and sociology of the modern Olympic Games, and his research interests include performance-enhancing drug use in sport and the history of anti-doping prohibitions, gender and sex testing, and general aspects of the Olympic Games. Dr. Nicole Neverson - an Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at Ryerson University. She teaches classes in the analysis of media representation and the sociology of sport. She has published in the area of sport, gender, and media representation. One of her past projects looked into the history, implementation, and ultimate demise of the Women’s Television Sports Network (WTSN). Nicole’s current projects focus on victims of police taser use in Canada and the use of critical approaches in teaching and learning in the university classroom.

PrideHouse Toronto Café Series titled "Bodies in …
Publishing date
2015-06-03 13:02