"Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s documentary Blackfish is a clear successor to 2009’s The Cove." - The New Statesman. “Blackfish is a highly compelling film that’s already being touted as a likely Oscar contender." - Salon.com. Few documentaries in the past few years have resonated with movie audiences as much as Blackfish has, and with good reason. I know of few families who haven't been to SeaWorld at least once during the kids' childhoods, including my own. And why not? There's something majestic and powerful about seeing a killer whale -- their sleek, polished beauty, their massive size leaping gracefully out of sparkling water, their sharp intelligence. Backdrop that with their cheerful, diminutive trainers trainers and all those "tricks" they perform just for us, the eager participants in this dramatic show of nature's power -- it's hard to beat that as compelling entertainment. And then you see a film like Blackfish. It's hard to imagine why we ever thought that that could be anything but exploitation and abuse of nature's most awesome creatures. Join us on Friday at 2:00 pm Central/3:00 pm Eastern for a very special LIVE interview with Blackfish filmmaker Gabriela Cowperthwaite. Ask questions through the chat room, or just call in at 626-226-1446.