Much of Asia has a reputation for animal exploitation and cruelty, but what many don't realize is that change is underfoot. The change is slow-going -- some would say even glacial -- but it's there. One very visible and inspiring example of that change is the Soi Dog Foundation, a Thailand dog rescue organization that has caught the attention of global media and animal lovers around the world. Founded in 2003 by Margot Homburg Park and John and Gill Dalley. It's now become a major force in animal welfare in Thailand, with nearly 50,000 dogs and cats spayed and neutered as of March 2013 and over 350 adopted and rehomed in 2012 alone. In addition to their active spay/neuter programs, Soi Dog also offers educational programs to local schools. More recently, they have become widely known for their aggressive campaign to end the thriving yet illegal dog meat trade from Thailand to Vietnam through their "Trade of Shame" campaign. Our guest on the show this evening is Marcelo Cacciola, global communications director and board member of the Soi Dog Foundation. Based in Miami, he and his wife Romena serve as Soi Dog's USA Ambassadors, organizing fundraising events and donation drives as well as working with the media to promote Soi Dog's mission. Cacciola is a digital marketing strategist with Realmedia Latin America.