TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn   /     TechByter Worldwide 2018-02-11: ThumbsPlus: Image Manager with Editing Capabilities. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.


As an image organizer, ThumbsPlus has a long history and it's an excellent choice for those who need to make identical modifications to multiple images. In Short Circuits: Nearly every motorist uses Global Positioning System devices to get where they're going. Now similar technology is being used within large and complex buildings. In the early days of Windows, themes were an extra-cost add on. They've been a basic part of Windows for a long time. If there's something you don't like about the interface, you can change it. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Blockchain, the technology that makes bitcoin possible, is being expanded to other payment systems and some of the world's largest banks and payment processors are investigating how to incorporate it. • What's the largest security threat to most businesses? The answer may surprise you because -- if you're an employee -- it's you!

ThumbsPlus: Image Manager with Editing Capabilities. Short Circuits. Spare Parts.
Publishing date
2018-02-11 04:00
  Bill Blinn