Spirit Realm Investigative Project is an all girl team that specializes in the mining towns of Colorado. They practice scientific and metaphysical beliefs during investigations. They also use a non provoking respectful approach with communication, and practice protection before and after all investigations. Use of debunking methods during investigating and evidence review. They will help spirits who ask and with aide from our Angel Reader to perform cross overs. They have done over 50 investigations and have been featured on the Paranormal Challenge USS Hornet and My Ghost Story to air APRIL 6th Team members are: LeeAnna Jonas founder/lead investigator/sensitive Tawni Herren sensitive/tech manager Ally McNeil Wicca medium/healer All members have had experiences as children with the spirit world. They are firm believers, but they also will not jump to conclusions that it's paranormal until they have proof. They use our bodies and scientific equipment, and will not put any evidence as paranormal unless they have looked at all avenues to explain or can't explain as the unknown. Please visit our Fb page and give us a "LIKE" for support. http://www.facebook.com/spiritrealminvestigativeproject Also check out our evidence at our youtube channel at: http://www.youtube.com/user/srip3