Permasapien Podcast– Wisely Employing Permaculture   /     Episode 7: Rethinking Food– The Anti Food-Nazi Consumer


This is an episode about food waste. It is about what’s left behind – what is food, but is never eaten. It is about how the general public cannot continue to reject the ugly food. I want to talk about how this is impacted by: What you do in your home What you see in restaurants […]The post Episode 7: Rethinking Food – The Anti Food-Nazi Consumer appeared first on Permasapien Podcast - Wisely Employing Permaculture.


Cucumbers, Peppers and Tomatoes. This is an episode about food waste. It is about what’s left behind– what is food, but is never eaten. It is about how the general public cannot continue to reject the ugly food. I want to talk about how this is impacted by: What you do in your home What you see in restaurants What happens in super markets What happens in a farmers field To have this discussion we’re going to have to challenge how we think about: The mentality of a hungry world The belief that we need to “feed the world” That food has to look a certain way to be worth eating In the podcast I mention– be sure to go visit them and watch their“Second Helpings” section. Finally, you’ll hear me cite this quote from Joel Salatin: We don’t need a law against McDonald’s or a law against slaughterhouse abuse–we ask for too much salvation by legislation. All we need to do is empower individuals with the right philosophy and the right information to opt out en masse. Cosmic Purple Carrots I hope you take something useful away from this podcast. You may have already known about the issues involved and you may already be living your life in a way that doesn’t contribute to the problem. Before you make that determination, take a moment to evaluate if there is anything you can be doing better. Evaluate where you source your food from, how much you buy, how much you prepare and what you do with whatever is left over or unsuitable for eating. That said: Are you sure your definition of“unsuitable for eating” is accurate? Once your house is in order, suggest to others that they learn more about these issues. It isn’t all that hard to do and you don’t have to be rude in doing it. You can easily have a conversation about the crazy video you saw where so much celery was thrown away (See the link above to Food Waste Movie). You can easily ask someone what they feel about a lettuce leaf with a bug bite. You can easily ask someone if they’ve ever tried gardening or composting. Pinkeye Purplehull Peas Joel Salatin is right on this point: We cannot change the system until the general public decides that they do not want to support a system where farmers have to leave up to 1/2 of their produce in the field when there are people who cannot afford to feed themselves. And, that change cannot take place until individuals have the right information so they can chance their philosophy. The post Episode 7: Rethinking Food– The Anti Food-Nazi Consumer appeared first on Permasapien Podcast - Wisely Employing Permaculture. The post Episode 7: Rethinking Food– The Anti Food-Nazi Consumer appeared first on Permasapien Podcast - Wisely Employing Permaculture.

Cucumbers, Peppers and Tomatoes. This is an episode about food waste. It is about what’s left behind– what is food, but is never eaten. It is about how the general public cannot continue to reject the ugly food. I want to talk about how thi[...]
Publishing date
2015-03-27 11:00