Josher sits down with Amy Thackeray to talk about her running story. Dubbed "The Sickest Athlete" if the ailment is included in WebMD odds are Amy has or had it. Amy has overcome early childhood illnesses and allergies along with bouts with giardia, pneumonia and asthma. And, if that wasn't enough -- she was also diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, Hashimoto's Disease and osteopenia in her adulthood. Despite the ailments she's never used it as an excuse to find a way to get out and run. Starting with a 5K she quickly found her groove and love of running. Amy has learned to balance her health and running, with many successes and failures, to go after a Boston Marathon qualifying time -- a dream goal for many runners. You'll come away from Amy's story inspired and ready to tackle your own dreams and goals. Listen now on,, Spreaker​, iTunes​ or your favorite podcast app!