True Life Church   /     Strategic Prayer


The Model Prayer begins and ends with the glory and Kingdom of our God! I want to remind you that prayer is not about manipulating God to do our will, but it’s about transforming our will to do His will and bring Him glory!


Strategic Prayer
(1 John 5:14-15)
Sermon Series: 40 Days of Prayer

Intro: Today, we’re looking at the topic: “Strategic Prayer.” I want to remind you that The Model Prayer begins and ends with the glory and Kingdom of our God! I want to remind you that prayer is not about manipulating God to do our will, but it’s about transforming our will to do His will and bring Him glory! Strategic prayer begins with a relationship with the Living God and surrender to His will and plan to reach the lost with His Gospel and bring them into relationship with Himself!

I. God’s Heart for the Nations.

    1. Example of His Promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:3)This promise is repeated and repeated in Genesis 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; and 28:14.
      Quoted in Acts 3:25 and Galatians 3:6-8.
    2. Example in the Psalms (Psalm 67:1-3)
    3. Examples in the Revelation to John.Rev. 5:9-10; Rev. 7:9-10; Rev. 15:4
    4. Examples in Paul’s Holy Writings.Romans 5:8-12; Rom. 15:18-21
    5. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This is theheart and purpose of God – that all the nations (peoples) of the earth hear the Gospel and come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! He sends us to all the people of the earth to make disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ! His heart is that there be worshippers from every tribe, people, tongue, and nation on earth giving praise and glory to the Lamb who sits on the throne.Matt. 24:14
    6. Great Prayer Movements in Christian History.
  1. Pentecost! Acts 1 and 2
  2. The Moravian Prayer Revival.

II. God’s Heart for the Nations Includes Our ‘Household.’

Acts 5:42 (they taught and preached Christ from house to house); Acts 11:12-14 (Peter’s account of Cornelius & his household); Acts 16:15 (Lydia and her household); Acts 16:31

(The Philippians jailer and his household); Luke 8:39 (The demoniac sent back to his home; he spread the word to the whole city!)

III. Praying the Scriptures

A. Praying in Confidence (1 John 5:14-15)
B. Abiding in Christ & His Word Abiding in Us (John 15:7) C. The Greater Works of Christ (John 14:12-14)
D. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest (Luke 10:2)
E. Binding the Strong Man (Mark 3:27)

  • Ephesians 6:10-20 (the sword of the Spirit = the Word of God; and prayer in the Spirit)
  • Revelation 12:11 (the blood of the Lamb; the word of their testimony – loving not their lives even unto death)

F. Practical Suggestions

  • Set aside a time each day that you persistently pray in the Spirit for those who need to be saved!
  • Make a list of people (family and friends) for whom you’re praying for their salvation!
  • Pray regularly for missionaries and/or unreached people groups!
  • Set a reminder on your phone.
  • Meet with a friend or a group to pray every week!
  • Have reminders on your mirror, in your car, or on your fridge to pray for the lost/unreached!
  • I heard about someone who fasted a meal every week and prayed with family for spiritual break through for another family member!
  • Fast one meal/week and spend the time in the Word and in prayer for the lost and for Christ’s Kingdom to come …

Conclusion: Strategic prayer begins and ends with a relationship with God. He calls us to Himself and into His mission to reconcile the nations (the peoples of the earth) to Himself. When we pray according to His will and plan, we pray with confidence that He hears our prayers and will act in accordance to His will and to bring honor, glory, and praise to His Holy Name!

The Model Prayer begins and ends with the glory and Kingdom of our God! I want to remind you that prayer is not about manipulating God to do our will, but it’s about transforming our will to do His will and bring Him glory!
Publishing date
2018-02-25 18:00
  True Life Church


Strategic Prayer
(1 John 5:14-15)
Sermon Series: 40 Days of Prayer

Intro: Today, we’re looking at the topic: “Strategic Prayer.” I want to remind you that The Model Prayer begins and ends with the glory and Kingdom of our God! I want to remind you that prayer is not about manipulating God to do our will, but it’s about transforming our will to do His will and bring Him glory! Strategic prayer begins with a relationship with the Living God and surrender to His will and plan to reach the lost with His Gospel and bring them into relationship with Himself!

I. God’s Heart for the Nations.

    1. Example of His Promise to Abraham (Gen. 12:3)This promise is repeated and repeated in Genesis 18:18; 22:18; 26:4; and 28:14.
      Quoted in Acts 3:25 and Galatians 3:6-8.
    2. Example in the Psalms (Psalm 67:1-3)
    3. Examples in the Revelation to John.Rev. 5:9-10; Rev. 7:9-10; Rev. 15:4
    4. Examples in Paul’s Holy Writings.Romans 5:8-12; Rom. 15:18-21
    5. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). This is theheart and purpose of God – that all the nations (peoples) of the earth hear the Gospel and come to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! He sends us to all the people of the earth to make disciples (followers) of Jesus Christ! His heart is that there be worshippers from every tribe, people, tongue, and nation on earth giving praise and glory to the Lamb who sits on the throne.Matt. 24:14
    6. Great Prayer Movements in Christian History.
  1. Pentecost! Acts 1 and 2
  2. The Moravian Prayer Revival.

II. God’s Heart for the Nations Includes Our ‘Household.’

Acts 5:42 (they taught and preached Christ from house to house); Acts 11:12-14 (Peter’s account of Cornelius & his household); Acts 16:15 (Lydia and her household); Acts 16:31

(The Philippians jailer and his household); Luke 8:39 (The demoniac sent back to his home; he spread the word to the whole city!)

III. Praying the Scriptures

A. Praying in Confidence (1 John 5:14-15)
B. Abiding in Christ & His Word Abiding in Us (John 15:7) C. The Greater Works of Christ (John 14:12-14)
D. Pray to the Lord of the Harvest (Luke 10:2)
E. Binding the Strong Man (Mark 3:27)

  • Ephesians 6:10-20 (the sword of the Spirit = the Word of God; and prayer in the Spirit)
  • Revelation 12:11 (the blood of the Lamb; the word of their testimony – loving not their lives even unto death)

F. Practical Suggestions

  • Set aside a time each day that you persistently pray in the Spirit for those who need to be saved!
  • Make a list of people (family and friends) for whom you’re praying for their salvation!
  • Pray regularly for missionaries and/or unreached people groups!
  • Set a reminder on your phone.
  • Meet with a friend or a group to pray every week!
  • Have reminders on your mirror, in your car, or on your fridge to pray for the lost/unreached!
  • I heard about someone who fasted a meal every week and prayed with family for spiritual break through for another family member!
  • Fast one meal/week and spend the time in the Word and in prayer for the lost and for Christ’s Kingdom to come …

Conclusion: Strategic prayer begins and ends with a relationship with God. He calls us to Himself and into His mission to reconcile the nations (the peoples of the earth) to Himself. When we pray according to His will and plan, we pray with confidence that He hears our prayers and will act in accordance to His will and to bring honor, glory, and praise to His Holy Name!