Portuguese With Carla Podcast   /     Lesson 1 (Series 2) – The Annoying Portuguese Lady


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This is part of our European (Portugal) Portuguese Video course where I help you with your pronunciation, vocabulary and little grammar too. Enjoy.
Publishing date
2018-03-13 12:33
  Carla Sabala


Here’s the second lesson in the new series. This time we take you up in the air as you follow what seems to be a monologue in European Portuguese with our old lady (Carla) in the plane. Lot’s of colloquialisms and tidbits of the Portuguese language to be learned. Also…

We’re creating a membership program, starting with this lesson. We’re calling it “Carla’s Babies” (more information on the podcast itself). Even though part of the lessons will be free for all, just like before, members will have access to:

  • Full Lesson featuring:
    • Longer scenes
    • Exercises 
    • Vocabulary

This new series will focus on

    • Day to day conversation
    • Pronunciation
    • Oral and written understanding. 

On top of that, in each lesson, we will work a particular grammar point, although you probably won’t notice at all.

Above and beyond the regularly release video lessons, members will also have access to:

  • Carla, for language related questions
  • Forum
  • Extra fun stuff (to be announced)

We’re not yet ready to launch, but if you would like to be one of the first to have access to all this new content, and do it for a discounted price never to be offered again, then leave your name and email address bellow. That’s because we’ll be starting a pilot program very soon, and I can send you an invite once that’s up. This is something we’re mentioning to listeners only and won’t be advertised or otherwise publicised anywhere else.


Obrigado a todos.

P.S: Have you had a look at our new T-Shirt range? (All creative kudos go to Héber Medina)

Narrativa da Lição 2:

V – Tão lindo, não é?


V – É a primeira vez que vai a São Miguel?

A – I’m sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese.

V – Ah é camone, das Américas!

A -England…I’m from England, not America.

V – Sabe, eu vou muitas vezes à America, tenho lá família em Massachussetts. Aliás, eu e a minha filha vamos lá duas semanas no Verão.


Be part of our Pilot Program

The post Lesson 2 (Series 2) – The Annoying Portuguese Lady appeared first on Portuguese With Carla.