Natures Talk Show   /     Geology in Relation to Paleontology - Fine Art of Paleontology


Geology and how it relates to Paleontology will be the topic of discussion on Natures Task Show Fine Art of Paleontology. Join New Mexico Museum of Natural History research associate Ken McKeighen and Ken Boorman n the Fine Art of Paleontology as they discuss geology and how it relates to paleontology. Ken McKeighen has been doing field work since 2009 for the NMMNHS and has made some really cool discoveries. He will explain how understanding geology helped him to discover a new species of Dimetrodon and also how he was able to discover one of central New Mexico's most prolific Early Permian vertebrate fossil sites, the Abo copper mine in the Abo Pass of NM.  On Tuesday April 5th at 8pm est,7pm cst and 5pm pst. We look forward to you joining us. If you would like to join the conversation visit our chat room on our web page or call in to our studio number 1 -949-534-0637. Thank You,

Geology in Relation to Paleontology
Publishing date
2016-04-06 00:00
  Natures Talk Show


Geology and how it relates to Paleontology will be the topic of discussion on Natures Task Show Fine Art of Paleontology. Join New Mexico Museum of Natural History research associate Ken McKeighen and Ken Boorman n the Fine Art of Paleontology as they discuss geology and how it relates to paleontology. Ken McKeighen has been doing field work since 2009 for the NMMNHS and has made some really cool discoveries. He will explain how understanding geology helped him to discover a new species of Dimetrodon and also how he was able to discover one of central New Mexico's most prolific Early Permian vertebrate fossil sites, the Abo copper mine in the Abo Pass of NM.  On Tuesday April 5th at 8pm est,7pm cst and 5pm pst. We look forward to you joining us. If you would like to join the conversation visit our chat room on our web page or call in to our studio number 1 -949-534-0637. Thank You,