Untold: The Daniel Morgan Murder   /     TRAILER for UNTOLD: The Cambridge Analytica Story


In 2013, 23-year old CHRIS WYLIE, a Canadian data scientist who had worked on the Obama campaign, was recruited as head of research for SCL Ltd, a contractor developing military 'information operations' for the US and UK. Within months he met Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer to set up Cambridge Analytica - a 'propaganda machine' designed to win the 2016 US Presidential elections, using Brexit as its 'petri dish'.This is his story. A story that changed the course of US and UK history as Facebook was breached, the Russians got involved, and the tools of cyber warfare were now turned on the countries that developed them. 


In 2013, 23-year old CHRIS WYLIE, a Canadian data scientist who had worked on the Obama campaign, was recruited as head of research for SCL Ltd, a contractor developing military 'information operations' for the US and UK. Within months he met Steve Bannon and Robert Mercer to set up Cambridge Analytica - a 'propaganda machine' designed to win the 2016 US Presidential elections, using Brexit as its 'petri dish'. This is his story. A story that changed the course of US and UK history as Facebook was breached, the Russians got involved, and the tools of cyber warfare were now turned on the countries that developed them. 

In 2013, 23-year old CHRIS WYLIE, a Canadian data scientist who had worked on the Obama campaign, was recruited as head of research for SCL Ltd, a contractor developing military 'information operations' for the US and UK. Within months he met...
Publishing date
2018-03-18 14:10