Well the 2007 college football season nears its end and for the Monsters crew, the moment is bittersweet. The recent death of Lil Jim Donaghy hangs heavy on the boys, as they meet to pick the BCS bowls and National Championship matchup. Larry and Johnny will try to keep everyone's spirits up, but the tragic fate of Lil Jim is sure to be visited on this holiday occasion. They say Christmas is the loneliest time, and for the boys, minus one, it truly is. The post-season vacation beckons and Stormy is promising an adventure cruise to Alaska with his many fans. Details of the cruise package will follow on the website. The Chief's status is in flux. Rumors abound that he has been offered a new mascot job at a major SEC institution. Chief denies it emphatically and has promised TRP that he will return for the 2008 season. As of now, nobody has requested permission to speak with the Chief about any mascot openings, but stay tuned.