Life Lines - The Podcast of The American Physiological Society   /     Episode 27: When the Sense of Smell Fails


What would it be like to live without being able to detect any odors? For one thing, Thanksgiving would be much less enjoyable, perhaps disturbingly so. In this episode, we talk toRobert I. Henkin of the Taste and Smell Clinic in Washington, D.C., who will tell us why people lose their sense of smell and how his research can help some people restore it. (Begins at: 02:03)The Buzz in Physiology features studies ona simple test that may determine arterial stiffness in adults older than 40, and a look at a 1950s program that tested thefitness of women to become astronauts. (Begins at: 00:43)


Life Lines is a general interest science podcast of The American Physiological Society dedicated to conveying the "phizz" in physiology. Physiology is the study of how the body works, from all the body's major systems and functions to the molecules and cells that work in such remarkable ways to keep us healthy. Each episode includes three segments: - An interview with the author of a recent physiological study - An answer to a question about how the body works - A feature interview with a physiologist about his or her work If you would like a summary of the recent physiological studies featured on the program, please visit To ask Life Lines a question about physiology please skype "Physcast" or call 301-637-5634.

What would it be like to live without being able to detect any odors? For one thing, Thanksgiving would be much less enjoyable, perhaps disturbingly so. In this episode, we talk to Robert I. Henkin of the Taste and Smell Clinic in Washington, D.C.,...
Publishing date
2009-11-12 20:56
  The American Physiological Society