Life Lines - The Podcast of The American Physiological Society   /     Episode 21: Blood Pressure and the Brain


Did you know that there is a sensor in the nerve endings in the carotid artery that rapidly lowers blood pressure when stimulated? This discovery may one day allow people who are hypertensive to lower their blood pressure by using a pacemaker-like device that stimulates the nerve endings in the blood vessels.In this edition ofLife Lines, we talk toFrancois Abboud, of the Carver College of Medicine at theUniversity of Iowa whose research identified this sensor. We’ll also talk to him about his recent research looking at the genes that regulate ion channels, microscopic gates that move chemicals in and out of cells, and that play a role in the signaling between the brain and the blood vessels. In experiments with animals, Dr. Abboud and his colleagues deleted one specific ion channel and found that the animals developed high blood pressure. (Begins at 03:51)We'll also talk toAnn M. Schreihofer, of theMedical College of Georgia, who focuses on the role the brain plays in increasing sympathetic nervous activity, which contributes to many forms of hypertension (high blood pressure). Among the questions her research seeks to answer is why people who are obese become hypertensive.The Schreihofer laboratory has also been looking at sleep apnea and whether it is possible to improve respiratory function as a way to reduce the sympathetic activity that leads to obesity and hypertension. (Begins at 09:43)In theBuzz in Physiology (begins at 1:24), we have studies on:resistance training and octogenariansmuscle atrophy during lengthy space missionsbelly fat, inflammation and exerciseThe photo in our logo is a neuron from the rostral ventral lateral medulla of the brain stem and was provided by Dr. Schreihofer.Total running time: 16:45.


Life Lines is a general interest science podcast of The American Physiological Society dedicated to conveying the "phizz" in physiology. Physiology is the study of how the body works, from all the body's major systems and functions to the molecules and cells that work in such remarkable ways to keep us healthy. Each episode includes three segments: - An interview with the author of a recent physiological study - An answer to a question about how the body works - A feature interview with a physiologist about his or her work If you would like a summary of the recent physiological studies featured on the program, please visit To ask Life Lines a question about physiology please skype "Physcast" or call 301-637-5634.

Interviews with Francois Abboud and Ann Schreihofer
Publishing date
2009-05-07 20:10
  The American Physiological Society