Sasquatch Chronicles   /     SC EP:422 This haunts me to this day


One winter we had a snow day and were snow ball fighting in his yard. When we discovered prints in the snow we followed then around his yard to the point where it walked over a chain link fence in stride one side of the fence had left foot over the fence and the right foot was on the side of the fence were were on. We followed it around under a bush they had separating his yard with the neighbors yard. there was a kinda cave inside the bush where we used to hide from each other…it had been in the bush…how scary….I can imagine it used to be in there times when that family came home from where ever..I know now that this Creature is out there every time I talk about this i get goose bumps. I can also remember putting foil up in the front door window…because I was sick really sick.. so I was sleeping down stairs on the couch, I remember seeing what I thought was a face looking at me in the window… it wasn’t stationary… it walked across the steps and down them or over the rail…I told my mother I saw a face in the window…

bigfoot encounter
Publishing date
2018-04-14 00:00
  Bigfoot Hotspot


One winter we had a snow day and were snow ball fighting in his yard. When we discovered prints in the snow we followed then around his yard to the point where it walked over a chain link fence in stride one side of the fence had left foot over the fence and the right foot was on the side of the fence were were on. We followed it around under a bush they had separating his yard with the neighbors yard. there was a kinda cave inside the bush where we used to hide from each other…it had been in the bush…how scary….I can imagine it used to be in there times when that family came home from where ever..I know now that this Creature is out there every time I talk about this i get goose bumps. I can also remember putting foil up in the front door window…because I was sick really sick.. so I was sleeping down stairs on the couch, I remember seeing what I thought was a face looking at me in the window… it wasn’t stationary… it walked across the steps and down them or over the rail…I told my mother I saw a face in the window…