All Hail the Sun!!!!! Giver of all life. This week we talk about sunlight and how to anticipate how it will effect plant growth throughout the seasons. This is significant because many applications of fertilizer and pesticides are made without realizing the real problem is that the plants can’t make any food because there is […]The postGardenbiotics Podcast 2 – The Sun appeared first onNatural Organic Lawn Care and Vegetable Gardens Bradenton Sarasota.
The Sun!!!! Giver of all life on Earth. We explore the reasons sunlight changes throughout the year and how to expect and pen for those changes. Choosing plants that will thrive in all seasons not just for a few months. We also want you to know when the problems are not the disease but the environmental factors that enable that disease or other pest to get the upper hand and cause problems.
And finally you get a great website to help you. This website has an interactive google map with a time and date function to show you how the sun will shine on your very now home. The you'll be able to predict where sun and shade will be located, and how to plant accordingly.