Worst Of Wrestling Podcast   /     WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 Review


Ink and CJ are back to discuss WCW once again. This time its one of the worst matches in wrestling history. The Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan, and not Wrestlemania VI. Hulk Hogan's ego was running wild at this point and time and the Worst of Wrestling seems like the perfect show to cover it. This is also the show that notoriously cut out during the main event of Goldberg vs. DDP. The boys will discuss the outcome of this and how horribly planned the entire thing was.As usual, we will have plenty of trivia and laughs for all of our listeners.

Ink and CJ are back to discuss WCW once again. This time its one of the worst matches in wrestling history. The Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan, and not Wrestlemania VI.
Publishing date
2014-06-06 06:00
  Worst Of Wrestling


Ink and CJ are back to discuss WCW once again. This time its one of the worst matches in wrestling history. The Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan, and not Wrestlemania VI. Hulk Hogan's ego was running wild at this point and time and the Worst of Wrestling seems like the perfect show to cover it. This is also the show that notoriously cut out during the main event of Goldberg vs. DDP. The boys will discuss the outcome of this and how horribly planned the entire thing was.As usual, we will have plenty of trivia and laughs for all of our listeners.