We bring you the second of two episodes highlighting research helping young people affected by poor mental health. One of the ways MRC-funded researchers are doing this, is through the use of digital technology. Scientists from the University of Manchester have developed a smartphone app to help people with psychosis. Hasina Sacranie talks to clinical psychologist and Senior Lecturer Dr Sandra Bucci about how she and her team developed the app. Read the updated MRC Strategy for Lifelong Mental Health Research on our website: mrc.ukri.org/mentalhealth Read more on our blog: www.insight.mrc.ac.uk/2017/08/14/connecting-with-help/ Produced by Isabel Harding and Hasina Sacranie, and edited by Hasina Sacranie. Music credits: "Clean Soul" and "Brittle Rille" Kevin MacLeod. Licensed under CC BY 4.0