Throwin Down w/National Pro Fastpitch   /     Interview with Kelley Montalvo, Joey Arrietta and Tonia Whatley


NPF Fans, check out the newest episode of the NPF Blog/Talk radio show Wednesday, February 19th at 8:00 ET (7:00 CT). Join host Barb Jordan with guests Kelley Montalvo of the Akron Racers and Tonia Whatley, National Sports Marketing Manager for the Birmingham Convention and Visitor's Bureau. This weeks show is being presented by Boombah, Official Uniform of NPF and Espro Clean, Co-Sponsor of the 2014 NPF Draft. Twitter users are encouraged to follow and hashtag the following to interact with other listeners and comment on the show:  #profastpitchradio  - @profastpitch, @BarbJordan18, @Kmontalvo10, @inbirmingham, @USSSAPride, @AkronRacers, @Chicago_Bandits, @PARebellion, @BoombahInc, @SportsCleaner NPF encourages listeners to ask questions by calling (347) 945-6100 and pressing #1 on the phone keypad. Listeners can also chat in a chat room while the show is live on a chat room located on the same page. The chat room is a forum for fans to interact with one another about the show. However, any unanswered questions will be answered in the chat room after the show. The chat room opens 15 mintues before the show starts and stays open 15 minutes after the show ends.

NPF Fans, check out the newest episode of the NPF Blog/Talk radio show Wednesday, February 19th at 8:00 ET (7:00 CT). Join host Barb Jordan with guests Kelley M
Publishing date
2014-02-20 01:00
  Pro Fastpitch


NPF Fans, check out the newest episode of the NPF Blog/Talk radio show Wednesday, February 19th at 8:00 ET (7:00 CT). Join host Barb Jordan with guests Kelley Montalvo of the Akron Racers and Tonia Whatley, National Sports Marketing Manager for the Birmingham Convention and Visitor's Bureau. This weeks show is being presented by Boombah, Official Uniform of NPF and Espro Clean, Co-Sponsor of the 2014 NPF Draft. Twitter users are encouraged to follow and hashtag the following to interact with other listeners and comment on the show:  #profastpitchradio  - @profastpitch, @BarbJordan18, @Kmontalvo10, @inbirmingham, @USSSAPride, @AkronRacers, @Chicago_Bandits, @PARebellion, @BoombahInc, @SportsCleaner NPF encourages listeners to ask questions by calling (347) 945-6100 and pressing #1 on the phone keypad. Listeners can also chat in a chat room while the show is live on a chat room located on the same page. The chat room is a forum for fans to interact with one another about the show. However, any unanswered questions will be answered in the chat room after the show. The chat room opens 15 mintues before the show starts and stays open 15 minutes after the show ends.