Join Michael Carnahan and "The Infamous One" Double J as they give you all the latest information you need to know before heading to the Valiant Arena in Tuckerman Arkansas this Saturday for Against The World. Already announced this Saturday will be the TLC match for the ASWF Tag Team Championship between Lethal Injection and The Most Dangerous Team In The Mid South Full Throttle. Who will be able to walk away with the the win and the gold? And how will Brad Mercurys' knee hold up in one of the most dangerous matches in all of professional wrestling. Also this Saturday the NEW ASWF champion Seth Sabor will be in the house what has the ASWF board got planned for the new champion? And what about the now former champion Mike Anthony? We have seen the tension between him and Action Jackson Jon Allen. And dont forget Seth Sabor isnt the only new champion in the ASWF as X-Kaliber captured his first taste of the ASWF International Championship will Hot Rod use his rematch clause this Saturday? And speaking of titles dont forget Sexy Rex is always lurking in the shadows with the ability to strike at any time with that Golden Ticket Briefcase will this Saturday be his night? All this and the premier of Uncle Filthy'z neighborhood on this edition of ASWF Aftermath.