World record holder and long distance motorcycle rider Carl Reese calls in from a corn field in Nebraska while on tour with Deena Mastracci! He gives us special insight about how he prepares for long distance touring and what he does when he is on the road. Where to stay? How many miles per day is enough? What special preperation does he do? Deena Mastracci joins the conversation as a relatively new rider. She won an award in 2016 for the highest mileage acheived by a new rider in their first year! Deena is a nutricianalist and shares special insight about what she eats and drinks during a long day in the saddle. She also tells us what her gear choices are for extreme hot weather touring. There is much to learn from this conversation. Norm Nelson has ridden from the Southeast to Alaska twice on a 1958 Harley Sportster 25 years apart! He is the highest finisher in the Motorcycle Cannonball over the last three events. Riding a 1911 Reading Standard in 2016 he goes deep inside his planning and packing as well as the mental preperation side of touring. Norm has also ridden a 2009 Piaggio BV250 scooter over 80,000 miles and many of those miles are on the Interstate!