Episode 63 Dr T Ruddy New Cardiac TracersThis audio podcast features an interview with Dr T Ruddy about new cardiac tracers. This was recorded at the SNMMI 2016.The first part will come as medium quality video for iphones or ipads or AudioPlease let me know what you think about the video versions of the podcast.I am also looking for new material so please get in touch with me if you can contributewith an interview.Direct link to ituneshttp://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-nuclear-medicine-molecular/id94286547?ign-mpt=uo%3D4You can get the podcast page at both http://nuccast.com and http://www.nuccast.com with the feed to put into iTunes or juice or your favorite podcast software can be found at http://molcast.com/.The cardiac subset of the podcast can be found at http://cardiac.nuccast.com/Please pass on information about this podcast to your colleagues and to your CPD provider.Link to Audio fileOr you can subscribe by entering your email address below and you will be informed of new episodesEnter your email address:Delivered by FeedBurnerMost importantly of all please help this podcast by contributing your opinions, Sound files and emailsnucmedpodcast@gmail.comAll contributions welcome, especially as sound files to nucmedpodcast@gmail.com.try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter< document.forms.length; lastpass_iter++){ var lastpass_f = document.forms[lastpass_iter]; if(typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=="undefined"){ lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2 = lastpass_f.submit; if (typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=='object'){ continue;}lastpass_f.submit = function(){ var form=this; var customEvent = document.createEvent("Event"); customEvent.initEvent("lpCustomEvent", true, true); var d = document.getElementById("hiddenlpsubmitdiv"); if (d) {for(var i = 0; i< document.forms.length; i++){ if(document.forms[i]==form){ if (typeof(d.innerText) != 'undefined') { d.innerText=i.toString(); } else { d.textContent=i.toString(); } } } d.dispatchEvent(customEvent); }form.lpsubmitorig2(); } } }})()}catch(e){}try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter< document.forms.length; lastpass_iter++){ var lastpass_f = document.forms[lastpass_iter]; if(typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=="undefined"){ lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2 = lastpass_f.submit; if (typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=='object'){ continue;}lastpass_f.submit = function(){ var form=this; var customEvent = document.createEvent("Event"); customEvent.initEvent("lpCustomEvent", true, true); var d = document.getElementById("hiddenlpsubmitdiv"); if (d) {for(var i = 0; i< document.forms.length; i++){ if(document.forms[i]==form){ if (typeof(d.innerText) != 'undefined') { d.innerText=i.toString(); } else { d.textContent=i.toString(); } } } d.dispatchEvent(customEvent); }form.lpsubmitorig2(); } } }})()}catch(e){}try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter< document.forms.length; lastpass_iter++){ var lastpass_f = document.forms[lastpass_iter]; if(typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=="undefined"){ lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2 = lastpass_f.submit; if (typeof(lastpass_f.lpsubmitorig2)=='object'){ continue;}lastpass_f.submit = function(){ var form=this; var customEvent = document.createEvent("Event"); customEvent.initEvent("lpCustomEvent", true, true); var d = document.getElementById("hiddenlpsubmitdiv"); if (d) {for(var i = 0; i< document.forms.length; i++){ if(document.forms[i]==form){ if (typeof(d.innerText) != 'undefined') { d.innerText=i.toString(); } else { d.textContent=i.toString(); } } } d.dispatchEvent(customEvent); }form.lpsubmitorig2(); } } }})()}catch(e){}
Episode 63 Dr T Ruddy New Cardiac TracersThis audio podcast features an interview with Dr T Ruddy about new cardiac tracers. This was recorded at the SNMMI 2016.The first part will come as medium quality video for iphones or ipads or Audio Please let me know what you think about the video versions of the podcast. I am also looking for new material so please get in touch with me if you can contribute with an interview. Direct link to itunes http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-nuclear-medicine-molecular/id94286547?ign-mpt=uo%3D4 You can get the podcast page at both http://nuccast.com and http://www.nuccast.com with the feed to put into iTunes or juice or your favorite podcast software can be found at http://molcast.com/. The cardiac subset of the podcast can be found at http://cardiac.nuccast.com/ Please pass on information about this podcast to your colleagues and to your CPD provider. Link to Audio file Or you can subscribe by entering your email address below and you will be informed of new episodes Enter your email address: Delivered by FeedBurner Most importantly of all please help this podcast by contributing your opinions, Sound files and emails nucmedpodcast@gmail.com All contributions welcome, especially as sound files to nucmedpodcast@gmail.com. try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter try{(function() { for(var lastpass_iter=0; lastpass_iter