Brianna Van Buren will be joining us to talk about her upcoming fight against Heather Clark at XFC 26: Night of Champions III | Oct. 18th in Nashville, TN. Then on our "The Ammy 15" we hope to Alexa Conners more details to come. SportsGeeks Your #1 Sports Leader in Women’s Mixed Martial Arts bringing you the latest in news, videos and rankings from around the world. Each week we will interview a professional fighter on her career, what’s coming up in the future or if she just fought with a promotion. And our new segment “The Ammy 15” we will continue to interview a up and coming amateur fighter on their career and how they became a fighter and where the fighting leads them too. We hope that everyone enjoy the shows and us at SportsGeeks will always continue to support women’s mixed martial arts like we have since 2008 with our first interview with Gina Carano along with old co-host MarQ who has moved on to greener pastures but as we continue to pave the way for women’s mixed martial arts it has always been about the fighters to make them have a voice when there was no voice given! Frank L Ramirez SportsGeeks