Dr. Robert Alley, a retired professor of Anatomy and Physiology has been a Sasquatch researcher since 1974, holds degrees in anthropology, physical therapy and chiropractic, and is best known as the author of “Raincoast Sasquatch,” an excellent introduction to sasquatches in general, and particularly to the surprisingly rich historical reports, Native beliefs, as well as continuing reports and evidence of Sasquatches in the Pacific coastal rain forests. "Raincoast Sasquatch" is constantly picked as one of the best bigfoot books ever writtem.. Charlie Thompson has been researching Alaska's sasquatch for many years and owns the Saquatch Tracker website www.sasquatchtracker.com Thompson has personally discovered several sets of tracks in his area and also heard tree knocking sounds while camping. Thompson uses the experience he gained while working on an archaeology degree to survey and record the site of each encounter that is reported to him.