Green Marketing - "It's All About Sex" - SGN Radio, Monday, March 1st, 2010, 2:00 PM (EST) Shades of Green Network Radio™ Green Marketing - It's All About Sex Monday, March 1st, 2010 2:00 PM (EST) Ok, so it's not REALLY about sex, but it got your attention, didn't it? Green marketing, and any marketing for that matter, is about telling the story right, piquing people's interest, and getting people excited enough to take action. Our Guest, Jane Tabachnick, is a star in this arena. She is a creative and innovative thinker with great experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors with extensive expertise in new/social media and sustainability/green business. Jane has created DIY marketing tools for small businesses, including her latest release, Stand for Green. She loves strategy and helping companies build their brand [online and offline] through guiding them to create a clear vision, a unique and fun approach, as well as the tools to develop the right team and tactics. Call us on the phone or listen online here: Phone number to call in: (347) 838-8999 Online at: Our Guest: Jane Tabachnick: Founder of Green Marketing Group - Linked In, Co Founder of Spec It Green, Creator of - the first marketing tool for green businesses, and Product Launch Manager at Exceptional Launch Our Hosts: Peter van Geldern and David L. Marks Co-Founders of Shades of Green Network™ Brought to you by: Shades of Green Network™ and