This is the final Michael Porter's WrestleShoot on the Michael Porter Entertainment channel on Blog Talk Radio. This show, along with its spinoff program RollerShoot, will be moving over to the AVE Radio Network channel beginning on August 12th. With the show still on hiatus, we will replay the 60-minute test show, which was the pilot from 2007 featuring the show's creator and original host, the late Michael Porter, and his co-host at the time, "Double R" Rick Rockwell. It was the program that set the tone for what has become a Blog Talk Radio tradition. Phone calls will NOT be taken during the program, but the chat room will be open through the entire program. And during the replay of the test show, we ask that listeners do NOT request or demand it be stopped for ANY reason. It's Michael Porter Entertainment's way of saying thank you to Blog Talk Radio fro six years of service.