Motherwear Breastfeeding Podcasts   /     Was your baby an impostor? Breastfeeding the near term infant, with Marsha Walker


Interview on breastfeeding late preterm (sometimes known as 'near term') babies with well known breastfeeding expert Marsha Walker. Was your baby born at 36 or 37 weeks? Did you struggle with breastfeeding a sleepy and jaundiced baby who took her...

Interview on breastfeeding late preterm (sometimes known as 'near term') babies with well known breastfeeding expert Marsha Walker. Was your baby born at 36 or 37 weeks? Did you struggle with breastfeeding a sleepy and jaundiced baby who took her...
Publishing date
2010-05-30 01:30
  Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog


Interview on breastfeeding late preterm (sometimes known as 'near term') babies with well known breastfeeding expert Marsha Walker.

Was your baby born at 36 or 37 weeks?  Did you struggle with breastfeeding a sleepy and jaundiced baby who took her time to gain weight?

Not all late preterm babies follow that pattern, but many do.  And because these babies often look like they're feeding well, hospitals tend to send moms and babies home with little support or guidance, just to re-admit them a few days later for jaundice and poor weight gain.

That's why I'm very pleased to present a podcast interview on breastfeeding late preterm (sometimes known as 'near term') babies with well known breastfeeding expert Marsha Walker.

Marsha is author of many books on breastfeeding, and most recently wrote Breastfeeding the Near Term Infant

In the podcast we discuss why these babies are sometimes called "impostors," what happens during the last weeks of gestation which can impact breastfeeding, typical breastfeeding problems of late preterm infants, why breastfeeding is important to these infants, and solutions to common problems.

You can listen to it by clicking on the grey bar below, or by clicking here to listen to it with Quicktime, or find it at our free iTunes store.

Breastfeeding the Late Preterm Infant, with Marsha Walker


In the interview Marsha refers to two references for best practices in support of breastfeeding late preterm infants:

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