This week Gene and Neil are joined by the South's most controversial promoter....IWA Deep South's Kevin Brannen! Kevin's IWA Deep South promotion is one of the longest running promotions in the Southeast and has always been the subject of controversy. IWA Deep South (and it's off-shoots LXW and $10 Rasslin) has led the way in 'strong style', death match, and comedy wrestling providing an alternative from what most other wrestling promotions brings it's fans. Many of the top stars in the business have graced their rings over the years including: Mike Quackenbush, "Sweet & Sour" Larry Sweeney, The Armstrongs, Chuck Taylor, Cliff Compton, Mad Man Pondo, Joey Ryan, and so many others. A lot of big things are in store in the upcoming year so tune to hear all about IWA Deep South's past, present, and future with the man behind all the madness...Kevin Brannen! (This week's episode is presented by IWA DEEP SOUTH'S SOFTCORE CUP 2- coming Aug. 19th)