Fernostwärts   /     FOW023– Michelle Proksell and the Chinternet (live @ 32c3 Sendezentrum)


At 32c3 we talked to Michelle Proksell about the Chinese internet, with a focus on WeChat, memes and a rainbow-shooting Mao.

At 32c3 we talked to Michelle Proksell about the Chinese internet
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Publishing date
2016-01-18 15:57
Deep link
  Katharin und Nils



At 32c3 we talked to Michelle Proksell about the Chinese internet, with a focus on WeChat, memes and a rainbow-shooting Mao. jQuery('#podlovewebplayer_7e103ec31ec33415db8b83bd34a454b85eb0961b').podlovewebplayer({"pluginPath":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/wp-content\/plugins\/podlove-podcasting-plugin-for-wordpress\/lib\/modules\/podlove_web_player\/player_v2\/player\/podlove-web-player\/static\/","alwaysShowHours":true,"alwaysShowControls":true,"timecontrolsVisible":false,"summaryVisible":false,"hidetimebutton":false,"hidedownloadbutton":false,"hidesharebutton":false,"sharewholeepisode":false,"loop":false,"chapterlinks":"all","permalink":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/fow023-michelle-proksell-and-the-chinternet-live-32c3-sendezentrum\/","title":"FOW023 – Michelle Proksell and the Chinternet (live @ 32c3 Sendezentrum)","subtitle":"At 32c3 we talked to Michelle Proksell about the Chinese internet","summary":"At 32c3 we talked to Michelle Proksell about the Chinese internet, with a focus on WeChat, memes and a rainbow-shooting Mao.","publicationDate":"2016-01-18T17:57:38+00:00","poster":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/71\/5fa262452d2bdd36b0e1606e661766\/fernostwaerts_200x200.jpg","showTitle":"Fernostw\u00e4rts","showSubtitle":"Ein Podcast \u00fcber Geschichte, Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft Ostasiens","showSummary":"Wir, Katharin und Nils, wollen in diesem Podcast versuchen, unser Wissen \u00fcber Ostasien unter die Leute zu bringen. Dabei wollen wir uns in jeder Episode einem bestimmten aktuellen Thema widmen und dazu geschichtliche Hintergr\u00fcnde und Zusammenh\u00e4nge erl\u00e4utern.","showPoster":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/71\/5fa262452d2bdd36b0e1606e661766\/fernostwaerts_200x200.jpg","show":{"title":"Fernostw\u00e4rts","subtitle":"Ein Podcast \u00fcber Geschichte, Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft Ostasiens","summary":"Wir, Katharin und Nils, wollen in diesem Podcast versuchen, unser Wissen \u00fcber Ostasien unter die Leute zu bringen. Dabei wollen wir uns in jeder Episode einem bestimmten aktuellen Thema widmen und dazu geschichtliche Hintergr\u00fcnde und Zusammenh\u00e4nge erl\u00e4utern.","poster":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/wp-content\/cache\/podlove\/71\/5fa262452d2bdd36b0e1606e661766\/fernostwaerts_200x200.jpg","url":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de"},"license":{"name":"Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License","url":"http:\/\/www.wtfpl.net\/about\/"},"downloads":[{"assetTitle":"MPEG-4 AAC Audio (m4a)","downloadUrl":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/podlove\/file\/908\/s\/webplayer\/c\/website\/fow023.m4a","url":"http:\/\/cdn.podseed.org\/fernostwaerts\/fow023.m4a"},{"assetTitle":"Ogg Vorbis Audio (ogg)","downloadUrl":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/podlove\/file\/905\/s\/webplayer\/c\/website\/fow023.ogg","url":"http:\/\/cdn.podseed.org\/fernostwaerts\/fow023.ogg"},{"assetTitle":"MP3 Audio (mp3)","downloadUrl":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/podlove\/file\/906\/s\/webplayer\/c\/website\/fow023.mp3","url":"http:\/\/cdn.podseed.org\/fernostwaerts\/fow023.mp3"},{"assetTitle":"Opus Audio (opus)","downloadUrl":"http:\/\/fernostwaerts.de\/podlove\/file\/907\/s\/webplayer\/c\/website\/fow023.opus","url":"http:\/\/cdn.podseed.org\/fernostwaerts\/fow023.opus"}],"duration":"00:00:00","chaptersVisible":false,"features":["current","progress","duration","tracks","fullscreen","volume"]});
Katharin Tai Katharin Tai @ FOW023 - Michelle Proksell and the Chinternet (live @ 32c3 Sendezentrum)
Nils Wieland
Michelle Proksell



Michelle’s research (00:00:58)

Examples. So many examples. (00:08:25)

  • “Demographics” folder
  • 美图秀秀 měitú xiùxiù: photo editing app (English name: Meitu Pic)
  • Uniqlo: popular clothing store chain

  • E-commerce on WeChat
  • Business Insider: “WeChat is helping Chinese buy US homes”
  • Tencent, huge internet company
  • QQ, instant messenger platform
  • WeChat has international appeal/international connections
  • Weibo (literally “microblogging”) (often compared to Twitter to make it easier to understand for foreigners)
  • Michelle’s “small data” database, individual assessment, chance of infering something wrong not as high as with big data
  • Fundraising through WeChat is also possible
  • 红包 hōngbāo: “red envelope”, which is used to gift money (esp. on Chinese New Year) to children and unmarried women
  • WeChat described as “China’s homegrown OS (Operating System)”
    • can be used to play games
    • not an OS in the traditional sense, but in the way its used and the broad functions it provides; driving a lot of app development
  • 1.3 billion Chinese: still ~600 million people are still offline (Xi Jinping wants everyone online by 2020)
  • Older phones more prevalent in rural areas, not as many smartphones as seen in urban areas. Worse/no 3G coverage in the countryside?
  • Migrant workers (PIC 1. bunk 2. selfie with bed in background 3. group of people)
    • indicator: bunk beds
    • indicator: gestures

crab legs formed to spell 中秋快乐 (“Happy Mid-Autumn Festival”)Slightly modified WeChat startup screen


  • ca 48:00
我不年轻了: Obama, Kim Jong Un, Shinzo Abe, Duang


  • 51:40: Escalator memes

  • 53:20 Tianjin explosion: “Pray for Tianjin”
  • “” originally intended as a high five, not hands folded in prayer

  • Michelle enjoys fish pics

  • 520 = 五二零 = wuerling   ~>   woaini = 我爱你

Q&A (1:01:30)

Thank you, Sendezentrum!