This show will bring an opinion of no other!! The Daily Cleanup which is hosted by L.B. is not your typical sports show but a show none the less. Based outta N.Y. The Daily Cleanup will be focused on MLB, NFL, NBA. This show is always concerned about what VEGAS is up too so we will go over lines, matchups, futures, poker basically everything Gambling. L.B. always brings the news or at least try's 2. Think of the show like this anything BAD sports related L.B. is on it!! Call in and do everyone a favor don't be boring. Remember We Talk Sports & Break Balls!! L.B. & The Sports Dr. Radio Show is LIVE on sundays 10-1130am on WLIE 540am (Tri-State Area) Call in 6319555400 we also stream live at if you have a smartphone download the app at your app store search (WLIE540am) Hit us up @Twitter @THEDAILYCLEANUP @Sportsdrtv @LBandCHRIS