Subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn Twitter @Solutionsology_ Prize-winning investigative journalist FRANK LALLI is the former editor of Money, George, and Readers Digest International magazines and worked as an investigative reporter for Forbes. Currently the special health correspondent for Parade, he has devoted his career to getting to the bottom of a good story. Background on the book YOUR BEST HEALTH CARE NOW does for health care what the 2015 bestseller Get What’s Yours did for Social Security. When Lalli began researching the cost of the drug to keep his cancer at bay, he contacted over 16 different institutions and received bewilderingly different answers and was quoted prices ranging from $571 to just $2 a day. He eventually acquired the drug for free—it took a little bit of savvy negotiating and a lot of legwork. Astounded by the complexity of the health care system and eager to share what he learned, Lalli chronicled his story in an op-ed in The New York Times titled, “A Health Insurance Detective Story.” YOUR BEST HEALTH CARE NOW is based on his three years of subsequent research and first-hand interviews with more than 300 experts, plus scores of people with instructive health care stories to tell. Catch other awesome archives