There's Too Much Lincoln in Your Diet (and other Civil War history observations)   /     The Civil War and the Beatles


What caused the Civil War? Yeah, we know what the textbook says. We know the tensions. Why did people actually pick up rifles? in this episode, we look at several reasons, and yes we find in a minor way it's analogous to the 60's rock band's breakup. It's no joke, but a way into the psychology of the thing. And a lot of other discussion. Taken from an episode of My History Can Beat Up Your Politics in 2010. Hope it is of interest.


What caused the Civil War? Yeah, we know what the textbook says. We know the tensions. Why did people actually pick up rifles? in this episode, we look at several reasons, and yes we find in a minor way it's analogous to the 60's rock band's breakup. It's no joke, but a way into the psychology of the thing. And a lot of other discussion. Taken from an episode of My History Can Beat Up Your Politics in 2010. Hope it is of interest.

What caused the Civil War? Yeah, we know what the textbook says. We know the tensions. Why did people actually pick up rifles? in this episode, we look at several reasons, and yes we find in a minor way it's analogous to the 60's rock band's breakup. It's
Publishing date
2013-12-23 22:15
  Bruce Carlson