The Roman Goddess Venus is The Goddess of Love, she is also represented as The Greek Goddess Aphrodite. This episode Margairt is creating the second edition of her book with a new chapter and Goddess, The love Goddess of Love. Topics's covered for this chapter Margarit shares from her journal the incredible journey of trusting her intution and a story of asking Miracle and Love came in the form of journey that lead her to opening her yoga studio 10 years ago onMay 1st 2002. The other topic covered is includes coincidences that Tomorrow May 1st is the 9th Global Love Day. I Q&A on Global Love Day. What can you do or Love day? Note***~To add insight: This was a spontenously Monday Morn call. Most show's are Fridays. Ater the call I realized this is my gift for the Globe to share Love day in my own unique way. This show is a gift back to the goddess of love.