Talking Feather Radio   /     Leonard Peltier Walk For Human Rights


Freedom Now for Leonard Peltier The Leonard Peltier Walk For Human Rights begins on 12/18/2011 with a prayer and pipe ceremony In Alcatraz CA. The Pechanga Tribe, located on the Temecula Indian Reservation in CA. will be hosting a golf tournament on 12/109/2011 to raise funding and awareness of the Human Rights issues, the Walk and the many causes of Leonard Peltier. The Walk seeks to raise awareness of the many Human Rights violations that are inflicted upon the four races of mankind. Details about the Walk, the International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier scheduled for 02/04/2102  are available @ Our guests who lead the discussion about the injustices Native people continue to suffer on reservations across this nation and the dehumanizing conditions that Peltier is enduring are: Dorothy Ninham and Gina Buenrostro of the Oneida Nation. Both are activists and members of the Peltier Offense/Defense Committee. "The destruction of our people must stop.  We are not statistics. We are people from whom you took this land by force and blood and lies...You practice crimes against humanity at the same time that you piously speak to the rest of the world of human rights! America, when will you live up to your own principles? Leonard Peltier, Prison Writings- My Life is My Sun Dance.

Freedom Now for Leonard Peltier The Leonard Peltier Walk For Human Rights begins on 12/18/2011 with a prayer and pipe ceremony In Alcatraz CA. The Pechanga Tr
Publishing date
2011-11-29 05:00
  TalkingFeather Radio


Freedom Now for Leonard Peltier The Leonard Peltier Walk For Human Rights begins on 12/18/2011 with a prayer and pipe ceremony In Alcatraz CA. The Pechanga Tribe, located on the Temecula Indian Reservation in CA. will be hosting a golf tournament on 12/109/2011 to raise funding and awareness of the Human Rights issues, the Walk and the many causes of Leonard Peltier. The Walk seeks to raise awareness of the many Human Rights violations that are inflicted upon the four races of mankind. Details about the Walk, the International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier scheduled for 02/04/2102  are available @ Our guests who lead the discussion about the injustices Native people continue to suffer on reservations across this nation and the dehumanizing conditions that Peltier is enduring are: Dorothy Ninham and Gina Buenrostro of the Oneida Nation. Both are activists and members of the Peltier Offense/Defense Committee. "The destruction of our people must stop.  We are not statistics. We are people from whom you took this land by force and blood and lies...You practice crimes against humanity at the same time that you piously speak to the rest of the world of human rights! America, when will you live up to your own principles? Leonard Peltier, Prison Writings- My Life is My Sun Dance.