On music, Jordan remarks “A song is like a chemical reaction between listener and performer, where both bring so much to the equation that the experience is different every time. The effect is more powerful than drugs and comes with zero hangover.” This clean high fuels her as she handles her own producing, engineering, songwriting, arranging, graphic design, and web design. A remarkable task list for a woman who claims she can’t multitask to save her life, but then again, it’s that paradox that fascinates. From literally knocking on record label doors until one of said yes to being hailed as pioneer in a new genre by New Zealand’s National Radio, Jordan Reyne has always been a winning collection of contrary ideas. She is humorous and nihilistic. She is sensitive and thoughtful, rapacious and caustic. The darkness in her music is beautiful, and the light is just as much so. Thus, she stands in the middle of all this, directing traffic, casting vision, interpreting culture, and bending sound into an experience that is truly extraordinary.