SFP Now   /     SFP-NOW Featuring Madellaine Paxson The Director Of 'Blood Punch'


For this episode we feature director Madellaine Paxson who talks about her debut movie 'Blood Punch' The movie, which took the festival scene by storm centres on a disturbing love traingle, some chrystal meth and lots of strange supernatural goings on. Madellaine talks about how she went about casting the movie on such a tight budget and how some of her contacts from when she worked as a writer on Power Rangers ended up helping her out. As ever I am joined by Raissa at the start of the show to go through some of the weeks news from the world of genre film and television.

Madellaine Paxson chats with us about the indie horror movie 'Blood Punch'
Publishing date
2015-10-09 20:30
  SFP Now


For this episode we feature director Madellaine Paxson who talks about her debut movie 'Blood Punch' The movie, which took the festival scene by storm centres on a disturbing love traingle, some chrystal meth and lots of strange supernatural goings on. Madellaine talks about how she went about casting the movie on such a tight budget and how some of her contacts from when she worked as a writer on Power Rangers ended up helping her out. As ever I am joined by Raissa at the start of the show to go through some of the weeks news from the world of genre film and television.