Relationship Matters   /     Honest Conversations (Episode 28)


A conversation with Judith Morgan, in which she offers some tips for communicating with people.

A conversation with Judith Morgan, in which she offers some tips for communicating with people.
Publishing date
2007-08-03 08:20
  Barbara Bradbury


Today's interview is with Judith Morgan, Business Coach and entrepreneur. Amongst her many business ventures, The Cleaning Biz offers people an opportunity to run a turnkey business following a successful blueprint formulated by Judith and her business partner.

The success of this operation, in part, comes down to the business owner brokering the relationship between the household employer and the cleaner. At the heart of this arrangement is managing communication - something relevant to everyone, whether in business or in our social lives.

Today's Key Points:

  • Say what you mean and be clear about your needs. Never assume that another person will know what you want or understand your individual requirements - be explicit.
  • Don't have unrealistic expectations of the other person and don't be too demanding. Their circumstances may be quite different to yours so do be aware of this.
  • Don't pretend, and don't "put up" with things. You cannot fix things unless they are out in the open. So, be honest in your communications and sort things out if they need sorting.
  • Conversations can be difficult for all sorts of reasons. What may be easy for you to say might be difficult for someone else, and vice-versa. If you are in a situation and need to have a difficult conversation with someone, it may be that someone else could help you manage the conversation. Don't be worried about asking for help.
  • It's OK not to get on with someone. Maybe the chemistry isn't right. It may be something that you can't put your finger on and that's OK, too. You're not expected to like everyone in this world. And, being honest, some people are just not nice.

               If you are about to go on holiday, I do hope that you have a great time.

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