Relationship Matters   /     The Magic of Laughter (Episode 27)


A friendship of more than sixty years brings clues as to how to maintain long term relationships.

A friendship of more than sixty years brings clues as to how to maintain long term relationships.
Publishing date
2007-06-21 11:52
  Barbara Bradbury


Today's interview is with two septogenarians whose friendship has spanned more than sixty years. Gladys Pottle is from England and Annie Albrektsen is Danish. They began corresponding in 1945, whilst 15 year old schoolgirls, and the depth of their relationship is evident. They were interviewed in Denmark whilst Gladys was visiting Annie. She had learnt that Annie had suffered recent ill-health and the concern that she felt for her friend compelled her to make a brief visit.

Maintaining strong relationships over time takes effort. Below are some pointers if you are wishing to maintain or strengthen a connection with someone in your life.

Today's Key Points:

  • Show that you care. Actions speak louder than words - so do something thoughtful and don't take the other person for granted.
  • Be available when the other person needs you. It doesn't have to be in person - a listening ear is extremely valuable.
  • Keep in regular contact and watch out for each other. Trust your instinct and take action on it.
  • Laugh together - often!  Laughter is extremely therapeutic, by the way.
  • Put yourself out for the other person, if necessary.

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