Beyond the ropes - This is a week of fighters that deserve a show of great appreciation... Tom Deblass - Champion in his own right will be our first guest,as last fight was scheduled to fight king Mo before retirement,cancelled due to injury. Andrea KGB Lee fresh off of invicta 10 , Truly talented and gaining star status as an MMA/ Muay Thai fighter - She is the future of MMA as we know it ... Last but not least Mr, Shonie Carter - A talented man in every right,this is an interview I've been waiting for! At beyond the ropes,frost and I usually touch on all stand up combat - This is a special show for us,all of our guest are continuing to bring all aspects of fighting 360° in there lives! Frost and I are honored to have such wonderful humble guest, join us on this episode! Bringing in the new year with a bang,as humility and integrity are what these fighters were about! From beyond the ropes - showing all sides of fighters and sport Ty and Join Us Live at 8PMEST ON Sunday December 28th..BE THERE