How many miles do you need to get in before your first ultramarathon? Should you slog through day hikes with a heavy pack prior to thru hikes? If you pack in a toddler on your thru-hike, isn't it child abuse to leave them there? All this and more explained in today's episode - everything you need to know about training for endurance events! This week, while fueled by a bit too much wine, Lisa Marie and Jen do their best to provide the in's and out's of everything long distance. From running to hiking to climbing and bike touring, let our experience, "real talk", and uncontainable laughter guide you towards accomplishing your long-slog goals! NOTE: The ass-of-steel workouts with Booty Luv we mentioned are available at, instagram account --> @bootyluvfitness. So maybe don't google that after all... Thanks so much for listening! Love the podcast? We'd oh so appreciate if you'd RATE US and LEAVE A REVIEW on iTunes! And you can always follow along on all our adventures on social media: @ThisOneWilderHeart and @Marmot_Queen