Slavery Survivors' Descendants Own Nat Turner Plantation! Turner Family offer Nat Turner's  Cave, to be part of driving tour | The Turner descendants gained a piece of history when they inherited his two farms. Nat Turner was an enslaved African American who led a rebellion of enslaved and free black men in Southampton County, Virginia on August 21, 1831, that resulted in the deaths of 55 to 65 white people. He used a cave for his refuge . It was in that cave that Nat Turner was discovered. The Turner Family hope to have the location of the cave added as a part of a proposed driving tour — backed by the Southampton County Historical Society — that would follow the journey of Nat Turner and the rebellion. “We feel that it is our duty to our grandfather, Sidney, to pass on the history of our land, and that it is our purpose to keep that history alive for future generations,” Hawkins said.