On the show today, Roberto Lovato joins us. He is is a founding member of and a writer and commentator with New America Media. He is a frequent contributor to The Nation and the Huffington Post and his work has appeared in the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, Salon, Der Spiegel, Utne Magazine, La Opinion, and other national and international media outlets. Roberto has also appeared as a source and commentator in the New York Times, the Washington Post and Le Monde and in English and Spanish language network news shows on Univision, CNN, Democracy Now and Al-Jazeera. Roberto was recently featured on PBS, where he appeared on Bill Moyers Journal and figured prominently in an hour-long PBS documentary, ‘Latinos 08’. Prior to becoming a writer, Roberto was the Executive Director of the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN). Join us as he talks to us about his new endeavor across the country in the Caravan For Peace.