On this episode of Last Week in Tech, the team: -gives a glimpse at Google's gaggle of gadgets announced last week (http://pops.ci/KNkRBd) -dives into the 2015 Google+ breach announced last week that affected 50 million users -looks into Portal, Facebook's new smart screen/video chat device (http://pops.ci/zuGKWP) -talks about hands-on (or face-on) time with the Magic Leap augmented reality headset -and reads up on a new font that researchers say helps to retain more information (http://pops.ci/SQHW9g). Email us questions, suggestions, or unabashed compliments at LWIT@popsci.com or tweet us at www.twitter.com/LastWeekInTech. For all the stories we discussed and more, head to pops.ci/lwit. For all of Popular Science's technology stories, head to www.popsci.com/technology. Our team: Corinne Iozzio (www.twitter.com/corinneiozo) Stan Horaczek (www.twitter.com/stanhoraczek) Amy Schellenbaum (www.twitter.com/acsbaum) Eleanor Cummins (www.twitter.com/elliepses) Music by: Billy Cadden (www.twitter.com/billycadden) Edited by: Jason Lederman (www.twitter.com/lederman)