00:00 - Intro: Cris Ippolite of iSolutions 01:30 - FMDiSC (FileMaker Developers in Southern California) - http://www.fmdisc.org/index.php 01:50 - DevCon 2018: Rebranding FileMaker, or clarifying its "Category Definition" 04:30 - DevCon 2018: iSolutions sent representatives to speak on Project Management and APIs 06:15 - API Proof of Concept: Inventory Books using FileMaker Go's native barcode capture and Google Books API 08:00 - APIs and IPAs - http://filemakerandapis.com - View and download a demo of the Books app 08:45 - https://medium.com/@isolutions/integrating-apis-into-filemaker-apps-85a821c814 - Read iSolutions' Medium.com article on the step-by-step procedure to integrate the Books app. 08:55 - 3rd Party APIs vs. the FileMaker Data API 10:11 - Postman | API Development Environment - https://www.getpostman.com 11:25 - Zapier - Automate workflows between different 3rd-Party apps and their respective APIs - https://zapier.com 12:50 - Google Charts API - https://developers.google.com/chart/ - create custom QR codes in FileMaker with a simple Insert from URL script step and a container field 13:47 - "I just need this little piece. FileMaker doesn't do it natively? Big deal. This other app does and they have an API I can connect to. Great! We're in business." 14:00 - If you know the Insert from URL script step, "you're already two thirds of the way there for integrating APIs into your FileMaker solution." 14:35 - Parsing JSON with native JSON Functions in FileMaker 16+ 17:35 - "Sure, you can't do that on the FileMaker platform alone... But if there's an API, you can do it." 19:18 - A lot of APIs are free! 21:08 - The FileMaker Data API has improved the way 3rd Parties connect with OUR data. 26:40 - FileMaker 17 Starter Solutions / Add-On Tables / Data Migration Tool / Deployment Assistant - all of this is happening through XML as part of the new schema portability paradigm
Dan and Nick welcome Cris Ippolite of iSolutions to the podcast to discuss APIs. Cris discusses his recent experience at DevCon 2018, several API Proofs of Concept, and techniques that can get even a total beginner up a running with an API quickly. He also shares numerous valuable resources for developers working with APIs (see show notes for links) and teases powerful new features coming to the FileMaker platform. Visit iSolutions website at http://isolutions-inc.com/ For demonstrations of the technologies you'll hear about on this episode, visit http://filemakerandapis.com and https://medium.com/@isolutions/integrating-apis-into-filemaker-apps-85a821c814