Pet Peeves - hot-button pet issues that make owners growl, wag and purr, or bare their teeth - Pets & Animals on Pet Life Radio (   / - Pet Peeves Episode 79 Compounding: Helping The Medicine Go Down


Your old cat needs medicine for hyperthyroidism. The puppy burned his mouth chewing something "wrong." A veterinarian diagnoses and prescribes the best treatment for your fur-kids, parrots and other exotics--but what if your animal companion refuses to cooperate? How do you get that Rx down those snapping jaws? It becomes even more of a challenge with zoo animals who throw the sedative dart back at the veterinarian! Pet Peeves guest Chris Simmons is a pharmacist who specializes in prescriptive problem-solving, with compounded medications. Drugs get mixed up into tasty treats, or combined with transdermal gels to deliver medication through the skin--or Pupcicles that offer pain control with therapeutic medications! This is a show your pet--and your vet--won't want More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Compounding: Helping The Medicine Go Down with Amy Shojai on Pet Life Radio


Your old cat needs medicine for hyperthyroidism. The puppy burned his mouth chewing something "wrong." A veterinarian diagnoses and prescribes the best treatment for your fur-kids, parrots and other exotics--but what if your animal companion refuses to cooperate? How do you get that Rx down those snapping jaws? It becomes even more of a challenge with zoo animals who throw the sedative dart back at the veterinarian! Pet Peeves guest Chris Simmons is a pharmacist who specializes in prescriptive problem-solving, with compounded medications. Drugs get mixed up into tasty treats, or combined with transdermal gels to deliver medication through the skin--or Pupcicles that offer pain control with therapeutic medications! This is a show your pet--and your vet--won't want More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Compounding: Helping The Medicine Go Down with Amy Shojai on Pet Life Radio

Subtitle - Pet Peeves Episode 79 Compounding: Helping The Medicine Go Down
Publishing date
2011-11-10 23:29
  Amy Shojai