Join us for the next episode of FGS Radio -My Society, an Internet radio show on Blog talk Radio presented by the Federation of Genealogical Societies. This week’s episode hosted by Randy Whited is entitled Vanishing History: Burial Database Project of Enslaved African Americans. Our first guest this week will be Sandra Arnold, founder and principal developer of the Burial Database Project of Enslaved African Americans. The mission of the project, currently housed in the Department of African and African American Studies at Fordham University in New York City, is to identify, document and memorialize burial sites of the enslaved, most of which are abandoned or undocumented. We will also be kicking off our series on FGS 2013 Conference featured speakers by having a conversation with J. Mark Lowe. We will also be featuring FGS member society the Hamilton County (Ohio) Genealogical Society in our weekly Society Spotlight segment. Tune in to FGS Radio – My Society each week to learn more about genealogy societies and join in a discussion of the issues impacting the genealogical community.