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HabsFan vs. LeafsFan - Season 2, Episode 18. The Kris Russell Mask of Overcompensated Forgiveness (0:00) HvL in association with the Edmonton Oilers league of gift shoppes and apothecaries is pleased to bring you an exclusive, limited time special offer to purchase: The Kris Russell Mask. It's great for missed birthdays, overcooked holiday turkey, and religious ceremonies. HvL Banter (1:55) Kamal and Ari work together to digest the reality of trading places offensively and how things can change in the blink of an eye.  LeafsFan Rant (13:06) Shapiro looks at the Russell debacle as sign of our times; an era in which simply trying and finishing a task is often lauded more than actual triumph and favourable results.   HabsFan Rant (14:51) Rehman riffs on the importance of protecting Carey Price from harm thanks to the reckless nature of opponents who charge the net with impunity knowing that they simply can, while also highlighting the delicate balance between increased scoring and mounting injuries. Exclusive interview with Steve "Dangle" Glynn (@Steve_Dangle) of Rogers Sportsnet, Hockey Night in Canada, his own podcast, and quite possibly the lost city of Atlantis (17:00). We're thrilled to be joined by mercurial YouTuber, epic blogger, master podcaster, and general tour-de-force Steve Glynn, a man who exemplifies a high-octane pace of limitless streams of consciousness that'll make you thankful for sugar, hockey analytics, and bleeding blue. Steve drops by to regale us with tremendous anecdotes of his passion for the blue & white, his relative impudence for the Habs, and his meteoric rise into your living room on nothing more than his wits, a shoe-string budget, and a love of technology.

HabsFan vs. LeafsFan - Season 2, Episode 18. The Kris Russell Mask of Overcompensated Forgiveness (0:00) HvL in association with the Edmonton Oilers league of gift shoppes and apothecaries is pleased to bring you an exclusive, limited time special...
Publishing date
2017-12-03 21:30